A man is sitting in front of a computer with a smile on his face, wearing a white mask and holding a toothbrush.


At Signature Dental Care, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile. That's why we're excited to offer veneers, custom-made, thin layers of porcelain or composite material designed to transform your teeth and enhance your overall oral health.

What are Veneers?

One of the most conservative yet highly effective and aesthetically pleasing ways to transform the appearance of imperfect looking teeth is the fabrication of dental veneers. Fully customized to the exact specifications of your smile and the cosmetic corrections required, veneers are ultra-thin facings, seamlessly bonded to the fronts of the involved teeth.

This versatile and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure conceals a range of imperfections to dramatically improve the look of teeth that are misshapen, exhibit minor chips, enamel defects, or stains. They also provide an excellent solution for closing small gaps as well as addressing other minor alignment issues.

Among the chief benefits offered by veneers are that they require little to no preparation of the underlying tooth and offer a relatively quick way to achieve long-lasting and pleasing results. And because they are ultra-thin, veneers preserve the maximum amount of natural tooth structure and are kind to the tissues along the gumline.

The Preparation Process

Before applying veneers, our experienced dentists will prepare your teeth by cleaning and drying them, removing any decay or damage from the tooth structure, shaping the tooth to create a natural-looking contour, and bonding the veneer to the tooth using a special adhesive.

The Application Process

Once your teeth are prepared, our dentists will apply the veneers by applying the veneer to the prepared tooth and shaping it to fit perfectly, bonding the veneer to the tooth using a special adhesive, and shaping and polishing the veneer to create a natural-looking finish.

Benefits of Veneers

  1. Natural-Looking Results: Veneers are designed to mimic the natural appearance of your teeth, ensuring a seamless blend with your surrounding teeth.
  2. Durable and Long-Lasting: With proper care, veneers can last up to 10 years or more.
  3. Minimal Preparation: The preparation process for veneers is typically less invasive than other dental procedures.
  4. Customized Treatment: Our experienced dentists will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Indications for Veneers

Veneers are particularly useful for:

  1. Cosmetic Enhancements: Improving the appearance of teeth that are stained, chipped, or misaligned.
  2. Smile Makeovers: Transforming smiles with multiple cosmetic issues.
  3. Dental Restoration: Restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay, cracks, or other forms of damage.

Get Ready to Flash Your Brightest Smile

At Signature Dental Care, we're dedicated to providing exceptional oral health care using the latest technology. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover how veneers can transform your smile!


Frequently Asked Questions

Will I need a veneer or a crown?


Determining if a veneer is suitable or a full-coverage crown is required depends on the extent of the tooth's defects and the remaining amount of healthy tooth structure. For teeth with imperfections that cannot be remedied with a teeth whitening procedure, dental veneers often provide the desired cosmetic improvements. However, a significantly undersized, misshapen, chipped, or darkly stained tooth usually requires a full coverage crown.

Do veneers look natural?


Porcelain veneers are fabricated from the highest grade of dental ceramics, which reflect light in much the same way as the enamel of natural teeth. In addition to this feature, dental porcelain is resistant to stains and discolorations, keeping your smile white and vibrant for years to come.

How long do dental veneers last?


Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin customized facings that become strong and durable once bonded to the underlying teeth. With proper hygiene and routine dental care, veneers provide a cosmetic solution that not only looks and feels completely natural but is also long lasting.

However, just as harmful oral habits can affect your natural teeth, they can also cause damage to your veneers. To prevent chipping, cracking, or dislodging a veneer, avoid nail biting, chewing on hard candies, ice, pens, or pencils, and opening bottles or other objects with your teeth. Also, remember to protect your smile on the playing field by wearing a properly fitted sports mouthguard.

Tooth grinding or bruxism is another important consideration in care. If you clench or grind your teeth, you may need to wear a night guard to help protect your new smile or discuss other options with our office.

How many veneers will I need?


As versatile as they are beautiful, dental veneers can be applied to a single tooth in need of cosmetic improvement or multiple front teeth to dramatically improve the look of your smile. Whatever the case may be, dental veneers provide highly satisfying results to create a smile; you'll feel confident sharing with the world.

Can veneers address more than one cosmetic problem?


Among the many benefits offered by dental veneers is their ability to mask a range of imperfections at once. In addition to covering stains or discolorations on the front surface of a tooth, the size and shape of a veneer can also be customize to improve the tooth's contours and dimensions. At the same time veneers create a whiter and more vibrant smile; they can also lengthen or widen a tooth, close minor gaps, and address other minor alignment issues.

Are there different types of veneers?


The two most common types of veneers are porcelain veneers, also known as porcelain laminates, and composite veneers. Although porcelain veneers are the most commonly offered option in care, composite veneers fabricated directly on the tooth can also achieve excellent results. You may have also heard the term no-prep veneer. It refers to a type of porcelain veneer that requires little to no preparation of the underlying dental enamel. At your consultation visit, we'll discuss your best options in care.

With dental veneers, can I clean my teeth as before?


Once they're in place, your veneers are also easy to care for and maintain. Simply by brushing, flossing, and visiting our office for periodic checkups, you can successfully protect and preserve your new and beautiful smile.

How much do dental veneers cost?


Although certain procedures that are considered cosmetic may not be covered by dental insurance, veneers remain a worthwhile investment in your smile. Based on the unique considerations of each case, we develop treatment plans that consider specific dental needs, cosmetic goals, and budget. Our experienced and friendly office staff can address all your insurance questions and review various payment and financing options.

Why choose the office of Signature Dental Care?


At the office of Signature Dental Care, we value patient input and pay close attention to your treatment goals, concerns, and expectations in care. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, we recognize that every smile is unique and never take a “one size fits all” approach to care. We utilize the most advanced diagnostic technology and treatment methods to assess your smile and to design your porcelain veneers for a precise fit and optimal aesthetics.

As experienced providers of care, we provide highly personalized treatment, combining state-of-the-art technology with an artistic touch to produce long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing results of care.

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